Saturday, February 15, 2014

Grow Purple Sensation Allium

Purple sensation flowers make good cut or dried flowers for a bouquet.

The purple sensation allium (Allium christophii), commonly called the star of Persia, grows to a height of up to 2 feet. It grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 4 to 9. In the spring, the plant produces globe-shaped flower heads that often measure up to 12 inches in diameter. The flower clusters sport up to 100 individual flowers, according to the Missouri Botanical Garden. A bulbous perennial, the plant continues to come back year after year. Once established, the purple sensation allium requires very little care.


1. Choose a planting location in the fall, prior to the ground freezing. Plant the purple sensation allium in full sunlight or partial shade. It prefers well-draining soil.

2. Plant the purple sensation allium bulb approximately 3 to 6 inches deep. Allow the top, pointy end of the bulb to protrude halfway out of the soil. Firm the soil around the bulb. Space the bulbs 10 to 12 inches apart to allow ample room for the plant to grow.

3. Moisten the soil around the bulb after planting, but abstain from watering during the winter months. Keep the purple sensation allium bulb moist in the spring months.

4. Apply a slow-release, general purpose fertilizer around the plant in the spring. Follow the directions on the fertilizer's label for application instructions.

Tips Warnings

The purple sensation allium does spread slowly but is not invasive. It reproduces by forming smaller underground bulblets.

The plant can spread by seeds. Consider removing the spent flower-heads to reduce seed production.

Divide allium bulbs in the fall months if the clumps become too large.

Avoid planting the purple sensation allium in moist soil, or the plant's bulb may rot.

Tags: grow, purple, sensation, allium, purple sensation, purple sensation allium, sensation allium, allium bulb, around bulb, Plant purple