Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Ultraviolet Light Therapy For Hives

Hives are a skin condition which is characterized by intense, itchy welts. These welts can be caused by an allergic reaction, an infection, or even a nervous condition. A form of therapy that's becoming more and more popular in the treatment of this particular condition is ultraviolet light therapy, which effects the skin in ways that enable the body to heal the welts naturally.


Before beginning any ultraviolet light therapy, consult with your doctor about whether the treatment is the right option for you. Some conditions that cause hives can be more easily controlled via medication (which may also be cheaper than ultraviolet light treatments). Additionally, if you have negative reactions to ultraviolet light, then treatment that utilizes that particular wavelength could do more harm than good.

Find A Clinic

Ultraviolet light therapy is typically performed in a clinic. As such, it's important that you choose a clinic that feels right to you. Speak with the doctors that will be performing your procedure and see how professional they are. Make sure they explain the therapy, and that they list the possible side effects and risks along with the benefits that the therapy could have. It's important to keep in mind that for this therapy to work, more than one session will likely be needed.


Ultraviolet light therapy uses special lamps that produce ultraviolet light. A patient's skin is being exposed to a radiation that could cause cancer and damage the eyes, among other things. Goggles should be worn during the procedure, and the patient should be carefully monitored to make sure they aren't developing skin cancer. Skin irritation and sensitivity in the form of a sun burn is also common.

Tags: light therapy, ultraviolet light, sure they, therapy that, Ultraviolet light