Monday, July 22, 2013

Prevent Ringworm

Prevent Ringworm

Ringworm can infect the groin ("jock itch"), the feet (athlete's foot) and the scalp. It is easier to prevent the spread of ringworm than it is to treat it. Good hygiene may help keep ringworm from infecting you or your family.


1. Avoid contact with people or animals that have ringworm. Signs of infection include flakes of skin on the fur, excessive itching, patchiness and hair loss.

2. Teach children not to share combs, hairbrushes, ribbons and barrettes, or hats.

3. Wear shoes in public areas, and wear thongs in public showers and swimming areas.

4. Check your child's scalp for redness or patchiness, and wash your hands afterwards. If you suspect she has ringworm, let her teachers and her friends' parents know.

5. Teach your child not to pick at her scalp, and to wash her hands after handling pets, especially unknown ones.

6. Keep the groin and feet cool and dry, as much as possible. Sprinkle talcum powder on the groin. Wear loose-fitting cotton underwear and socks, and change them often.

7. See your doctor if lesions develop.

Tags: Prevent Ringworm, your child