Monday, July 22, 2013

Natural Head Lice Remedy

Head lice infestation commonly affects children, but it can also affect adults. Lice are parasites that feed on the blood that they get from biting your scalp. Head lice lay eggs in your hair, and infestation is quick. You can pass head lice to others via close contact. There are some common over-the-counter treatments for lice, but you can also use herbal remedies to destroy lice and their eggs.

Head Lice Symptoms

You will notice intense itchiness in the area of your scalp, around the nape of your neck and around your ears; this is caused by an allergic reaction to the bites from lice on your scalp. You may spot lice crawling around the nape of your neck and ears when the infestation becomes intense. You may also notice tiny eggs near the roots of your hair that look somewhat like dandruff but that are difficult to remove with a comb or brush. If you have head lice, or if you suspect you have head lice, you should refrain from sharing scarves, hats, caps, combs, brushes, barrettes, hair accessories or headphones. Avoid sharing pillows, towels, blankets and clothing.


In "Herbal Treatment of Children: Western and Ayurvedic Perspectives," author Anne McIntyre explains that quassia is used to successfully treat head lice conditions. Quassia is an herb that contains terpenoids and quassinoids that help destroy lice eggs as well as live parasites. Make a batch of quassia tea to use as a wash for head lice. Add 1 oz. of quassia chips to 10 oz. of hot water. Allow the mixture to cool before applying to the head. The solution needs to be massaged into the scalp and around the nape of the neck. Leave in overnight, and wash it out of the hair the next morning. Disinfect all clothing, linen and personal hygiene items for the hair. Soak brushes and combs in quassia and water overnight, and wash all linens in hot water to destroy head lice. Repeat this process until all nits and live parasites have been destroyed. There are no known side effects associated with the use of quassia as a head lice treatment.

Garlic and Tea Tree Oil

In "Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-Healing for Everyone," Linda Page explains that a mixture of garlic and tea tree oil can help eliminate head lice conditions. Mix 12 drops of garlic oil, 12 drops of tea tree oil and 1 pint of water. Apply the mixture three times and remove after the third application with a goldenseal tea rinse. Make a goldenseal tea rinse by brewing 2 g of goldenseal dried herbs in 2 cups of hot water; allow the mixture to completely cool before using it. Comb through the hair with a fine-tooth comb to remove any remaining eggs.

Tags: head lice, around nape, your scalp, around nape your, cool before, destroy lice, explains that