Monday, July 29, 2013

Causes Of Rhumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, debilitating disease that affects the body's joints and tissues. Unlike most forms of arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks its own tissues. There is much that remains unknown about rheumatoid arthritis.

A Mystery

Despite years of research into the cause of rheumatoid arthritis, no exact cause has been found. Many research scientists continue to devote their energy to finding a cause and, hopefully, a cure.

Possible Suspects

Many scientists and medical researchers believe bacteria, viruses and some forms of fungus may be to blame for rheumatoid arthritis.


Some scientists believe that people may be genetically predisposed to contracting rheumatoid arthritis, and certain people will develop the disease if they are exposed to environmental triggers.

New Theories

Some researchers now believe that rheumatoid arthritis may be several different diseases with common symptoms that can be treated in the same way.


Despite the mystery surrounding its cause, people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis can be helped by treatments aimed at stopping the disease from progressing. However, there is no known cure.

Tags: rheumatoid arthritis, believe that, researchers believe, rheumatoid arthritis