Friday, September 9, 2011

Food For People With Braces

Braces, also called orthodontic appliances, are made of brackets that attach and apply pressure to each tooth. This pressure allows braces to realign teeth, typically over a one- to three-year period. Dentists recommend a diet rich in healthy food for people with braces. According to the American Dental Association, people with braces should avoid sticky, chewy, crunchy and hard foods that can interfere with braces and bend wires. Chewing on pens, pencils and fingernails can also damage braces. Loose or broken brackets can prolong the time needed to wear braces.

Eat Healthy

Patients with braces should maintain healthy diets and avoid snacking in-between meals. If you wear braces, avoid eating ice, potato chips, pizza crust, popcorn, nuts, fried chicken, pretzels, corn, fresh carrots, jelly beans, caramel, hard candy and chewing gum. Consult your dentist/orthodontist if you are uncertain about what you can eat. Avoid acidic beverages and sugary drinks like soda pop, juices and sweet teas. According to Pacific Northwest Orthodontics, avoiding acidic, sugary drinks will help prevent scarring of your enamel and cavities while wearing braces. Use common sense when eating, and avoid those foods and beverages that cause pain and damage teeth. According to the American Association of Orthodontics, teeth will shift to their rightful place quicker if they are clean and healthy. Eating healthy is essential to your overall well being, so continue good eating habits after your braces are removed.


In addition to avoiding certain foods, change how you eat to avoid damaging teeth and braces. Avoid using front teeth to bite into sandwiches, apples, pizza and carrots. Cut food before eating and use your back teeth to chew.

Caring for Teeth with Braces

You will experience soreness for about three to five days after getting braces. During this time, it will be difficult for you to chew tough meats and chewy foods. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water to relieve soreness. Stick to soft foods like pasta, rice, soup, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables and yogurt until the pain eases. Check your braces regularly for damaged brackets and contact your dentist immediately about any loose or broken brackets. Brush your teeth after every meal and floss regularly to avoid cavities and tooth decay.

Tags: According American, braces should, broken brackets, people with, sugary drinks