Friday, December 10, 2010

Find A Dog Poison Control Center

Poison Control

You discover your dog is acting sluggish, foaming at the mouth, or vomiting. And it looks like a piece of your plant on your front porch is missing. Is this plant poisonous if your dog ingests it? You have four options that will determine whether your dog makes it or not. The internet, your local veterinarian, the phone book, and an animal poison control center.


1. Access the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals website to determine if the information you’re looking for is listed. If you happen to know what your pet has gotten into, then you can do a Google search on their webpage to know heal your pet until you can get him to the vet. They also offer their advice on deal with the situation for a $60 fee. Call (888) 426-4435 to speak to a specialist about the specific poison your dog has ingested.

2. If your situation is more severe, then you need to seek medical attention immediately. Find the nearest poison control center or animal hospital online and and get your pet there immediately.

3. The fastest method is to always be prepared for an emergency. Call your vet in advance and ask them where the closest animal poison control center is. Write this number down on a piece of paper and stick it on your refrigerator.

4. If you do not have any contact information for a dog poison control center in your area, then you need to call your veterinarian. They will offer you guidance on deal with the situation at home, or whether or not you need to bring them in. There may be a fee if it is after hours. The best treatment is prevention. Do your homework now and it will pay off when and if the time comes.

Tags: control center, animal poison, animal poison control, deal with, deal with situation, poison control