Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Metaphysical Properties Of Crystals

Metaphysical Properties of Crystals

Quartz crystal is used in electronic devices such as televisions, radios, clocks and computers because of its property as an energy conductor. But the metaphysical properties of crystals--as a conduit for healing and psychic visions--dates to ancient civilizations.


Quartz crystal is a common mineral that undergoes color changes because of naturally occurring radiation in the Earth's crust, resulting in an assortment of colors that includes pink (rose quartz), purple (amethyst) and yellow (citrine), smoky and clear.


Each type of crystal is imbued with specific metaphysical properties: rose quartz enhances self-awareness and self-esteem, amethyst increases intuition, citrine has a calming effect, smoky quartz generates energy and endurance, and clear crystal promotes clarity of thought and perception.


Crystal balls and skulls are typically used during transcendental states of mind, such as meditation, to induce visions of the future or channel healing energy. The oldest and most famous of these is the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull, popularized in the movie "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull."

Famous Ties

More commonly, you will find crystals fashioned into jewelry so wearers can benefit from the metaphysical properties attributed to the stones. Some celebrities who've been seen wearing crystals include Miley Cyrus, Courteney Cox, Alicia Keys, Bono, Brad Pitt, Heidi Klum, Sting, Ben Affleck and Britney Spears.


For those seeking healing properties from crystals for serious illness, do not discontinue medical treatment. Crystals are best used in conjunction with other therapies.

Tags: metaphysical properties, Metaphysical Properties, Metaphysical Properties Crystals, Properties Crystals, Quartz crystal, rose quartz