Thursday, August 9, 2012

Stay Thin After Pregnancy Without Exercise

Never underestimate the power of exercise. However, being a new mom is tough and it is often hard to find the time to get moving. Alternatively, a disability or medical condition might be preventing you from exercising. If you want to maintain a healthy body weight, despite your inability or lack of desire to exercise, read on.


1. Breastfeed your new baby. Breastfeeding is amazing for both you and your baby in so many ways. Despite what the formula companies want you to believe, there really is no substitute for breastfeeding. As a bonus, breastfeeding burns an estimated 500 calories per day, and it helps shrink your uterus back down to size, thereby helping to flatten your abdomen sooner.

2. Stick to an all-natural diet. Eat plenty of fresh, whole, organic foods every day. Aim to consume at least a pound of fruits and vegetables each day, in addition to beans, nuts and some whole grains. Focus on what you get to have, rather than what you’re avoiding. You’ll feel satiated because your body will be getting the nutrients it needs for recovery and motherhood.

3. Get the processed foods out of the house. Toss out anything processed, preserved, fried, or dyed.

4. Follow the 90 percent rule. While none of use can be perfect when it comes to nutrition, there is a way to have your cake and eat it, too, and that’s by sticking to the 90-percent rule. Make 90 percent of your dietary choices from a list of whole, natural foods. For the other 10 percent of your caloric intake, eat whatever you want–guiltlessly and with joy!

5. Unless a disability is preventing you, make movement a part of your day. Dance with your baby. Play with your baby. Walk with your baby. Wear your baby. While it might not look like your old exercise routine and some might not consider it “exercise,” it certainly is. Enjoy!

Tags: your baby, with your, with your baby, percent your