Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Prevent Pregnancy

Although parenthood is a wonderful experience, having a child before you’re emotionally and financially ready can create certain hardships. For this reason, many couples look into different birth control options. Preventing a pregnancy is doable. You’ll need to research different methods, learn the pros and cons, and choose the one that will work best for you and your partner.


1. Practice complete abstinence. If you’re not married and don’t want a child in the near future, total abstinence is the only surefire way to prevent a pregnancy. Contraceptives and other methods are effective, but there’s always a 1 to 2 percent chance of conception.

2. Talk with your gynecologist about female contraceptives. Several female birth control methods are available, and most are 99 percent effective. Options include oral contraceptives, injected contraceptives, IUDs and diaphragms. Side effects are common with contraceptives, and you may have to experiment with different methods.

3. Use a condom. If you don’t want to deal with side effects from oral contraceptives, keep a supply of condoms. This method prevents semen from entering the vagina, and it protects against sexually transmitted diseases.

4. Consider male or female sterilization. Sterilization is a permanent birth control method that’s ideal for couples who don’t want to have additional children. In females, a tubal ligation prevents egg-to-sperm contact. Meanwhile, a vasectomy is a minor surgical procedure that stops the release of sperm cells.

5. Learn the rhythm method. The rhythm method is a natural and effective birth control method. However, this method is risky, and women who choose this option have to be in tune with their bodies. You’ll have to chart your period on a calendar, identify changes in cervical mucus and determine your ovulation, or fertile, days. Most females conceive 2 weeks after the first day of their menstrual cycle. To prevent a pregnancy, you’ll have to avoid sexual intercourse 4 to 6 days a month.

Tags: birth control, birth control method, control method, different methods, oral contraceptives, prevent pregnancy, rhythm method