Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Relief

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal disease. There are three subsets of IBS: diarrhea-dominant; constipation-dominant; or a mix of both. There are many ways to alleviate IBS symptoms.

Help for Diarrhea

Diarrhea can be lessened or stopped by several different products. Imodium helps causes firmer and less frequent bowel movements. It also reduces gas and bloating. Soluble fiber helps with diarrhea because it draws water from the intestines. This slows the movement of stool and gives it bulk.

Help for Constipation

Soluble fiber supplements, such as Benefiber and Metamucil, benefit constipation as well. They add bulk and moisture to fecal matter, making it easier to pass. Stool softeners, like Dulcolax and Colace, produce softer bowel movements. This makes having a movement easier and reduces hemorrhoid development.


Some teas provide a soothing affect. Chamomile calms the system and reduces cramps. Green tea aids in digestion. Peppermint tea reduces cramps and soothes irritated intestinal tissue.

Small Meals

Eating smaller meals frequently throughout the day helps trigger the gastrocolic reflex. This signals the body to have a bowel movement. Also, smaller meals are easier to digest and less likely to trigger symptoms.

Low fat diet

Fat is harder to digest, thereby placing more stress on the body. Eating foods lower in fat reduces the overreaction that occurs when the body digests fats.

Tags: bowel movements, Bowel Syndrome, Irritable Bowel, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, reduces cramps