Cigar cutters come in many styles.
Cigars are a popular way to smoke tobacco. Higher-quality cigars are rolled in whole tobacco leaves and tightly wound on one end, called a cap, to maintain the freshness and shape of the cigar. These cigar tips need to be either cut or opened before smoking to allow the full flavor of the tobacco to be tasted. There are several different styles of cigar cutters, and each cigar smoker may have a different personal preference as to how he likes his cigars cut.
Xikar Xi Series
The Xikar brand is well known for its high-quality guillotine-style cutters. Made of 440-grade stainless steel and with a ring gauge of 54, the Xi line is available in several different designs. All Xikar cutters come with a lifetime guarantee.
AVO Round Cutter
This key-chain-sized circular punch-style cutter features stainless steel blades and a self-cleaning feature that cleans the blades with a twist. Made of aircraft-grade aluminum, this cutter comes with a lifetime guarantee.
Zino RZR Scissors
These sharp stainless steel scissors are well balanced and feature a rounded tip, curved blades and looping handles for greater control over the cut.
Colibri Slice Cutter
Designed for larger cigars, this slice cutter is capable of cutting up to 64-ring gauge sizes. It also features rubberized grips along the edges and is small enough to fit in a pocket.
Xikar VX Metal V-Cut
This V-cut, or cat's-eye cutter, is made of cast aluminum and features a "reverse V-cut," which begins cutting into the cigar before cutting off the cap. All Xikar cutters come with a lifetime guarantee.
Tags: cutters come, lifetime guarantee, stainless steel, with lifetime, with lifetime guarantee, come with, come with lifetime