Friday, February 15, 2013

Stop Hrt Before Hip Replacement Surgery

HRT can be stopped prior to surgery to avoid blood clots

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can cause blood clotting; therefore, some doctors recommend stopping HRT before surgery, especially procedures that involve the knees or hip replacement. Both knee and hip surgeries have an increased risk of developing blood clots in the leg veins and in the lungs (venous thromboembolism).


1. Allow enough time before surgery to slowly reduce the amount of hormones in your system. If you stop HRT suddenly, you may experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, insomnia or hot flashes.

2. Be patient. Hormonal levels need time to readjust. It's easy to get discouraged, but during the weaning process, it's important to remember that recovery is a gradual process.

3. Decrease dose slowly to mimic how your body naturally reduces hormones during times of change. Lower the dose by half each month. Your doctor can give you a lower dose amount, or you can take your pill every other day.

4. Stop the HRT pill temporarily from four to six weeks before your planned surgery, as long as your menopausal symptoms are under control, according to Medicines Control Agency.

5. Plan on decreasing the pill for 4 to 6 months prior to surgery if you are still experiencing menopausal symptoms at the time you begin preparing for surgery.

6. Ask your health-care provider when you can restart HRT. Many doctors suggest you wait 90 days after surgery to restart HRT.

Tags: before surgery, blood clots, menopausal symptoms, prior surgery