Monday, February 4, 2013

Clean Your Own Teeth

Teeth are hard tissues and nerves inside the oral cavity used for breaking down food. Sometimes food can get stuck in between the teeth, which can cause pain. Cleaning your teeth is vital in preventing periodontal (gum) diseases like periodontitis and gingivitis. Proper maintenance of your teeth will ensure that they will remain clean and free of infectious diseases.


1. Place toothpaste on your toothbrush. Squeeze enough toothpaste to cover the entire length of the bristles of your toothbrush. This will ensure that all your teeth get covered in toothpaste.

2. Brush your teeth horizontally and vertically. Begin brushing your teeth horizontally for two minutes. Brush in circular motions. Continue brushing your teeth vertically in circular motions for two minutes as well.

3. Brush the back of your teeth thoroughly. Brush the back of your teeth for two minutes, making sure to reach the back molars as well. This will inhibit halitosis (bad breath) and tooth decay.

4. Brush your tongue. Brushing your tongue daily will help remove bacteria that cause bad breath.

5. Floss your teeth. Use dental floss to work your way thoroughly between each tooth including your back molars. Use waxed dental floss for a more comfortable cleaning. Floss your teeth at least once a day.

6. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Swish the mouthwash around your mouth for one minute. This will remove any food particles that may have came loose after flossing. Antibacterial mouthwash freshens your breath but it also has the added benefit of killing disease-causing bacteria in your mouth.

Tags: your teeth, This will, your mouth, your teeth, back molars