Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Things To Fill An Apothecary Jar With

Apothecary jars are highly adaptable and can be used to store items or simply to display them. They can achieve a classy monotone appearance or add a gay dash of color to a drab corner. But the best part is that you can swap the contents out any time you're in the mood for a change. Just be careful when filling the jars with hard objects.

Kitchen Stores

Pasta of various shapes, sizes and colors can be stored in apothecary jars. Vegetable pastas especially can add color and interest to your counter.

Dried beans can be handsomely displayed in apothecary jars. A mix of black beans and navy beans can complement a black and white d cor, while adding colorful lentils can spice up a room.

Mixed grains such as wild rice, brown rise, barley, quinoa, millet and buckwheat can be tastefully displayed in an apothecary jar.

Jelly beans look great and present a cheerful and sweet dash of color on a countertop or table. You can also use other hard coated candies like M&Ms, Smarties, peppermints or Good & Plentys as a tempting treat.

Spices of almost any variety look great and are very accessible in nice apothecary jars.

Bathroom Ambiance

Small sea shells can be tastefully displayed in a beautiful apothecary jar on a shelf or cabinet top.

Sculptured soaps add both interest and convenience. They come in various colors, shapes and scents.

Cotton swabs or cotton balls kept in the right sized apothecary jar are kept convenient and clean.

Bubble bath beads are perfectly displayed in a beautiful glass jar and will remind you to take a moment to relax and enjoy a nice warm bath at the end of the day.

Living Room D cor Items

Colored glass beads can add real ambiance to a room if displayed near a light source. Pick a color that matches the d cor or reflects the mood or the season.

Glass blown ornaments look lovely within an apothecary jar, and you can change them out with the season or the holiday.

Water-worn stones collected on vacation can both add a bit of country flair and bring back memories of basking on sun-warm beach sand.

Acorns and pine cones will add earthy warmth to a drab end table or mantelpiece.

Craft Items

Colored beads can be kept out where you can see them and easily grab just the right color and size, by filling a row of apothecary bottles with a variety of beads.

Balls of yarn look great and are conveniently kept in a larger apothecary jar near your knitting area.

Knitting needles also fit well into the right sized jar. Put a rubber band around the pair to improve their ease of retrieval.

Buttons are perfect for displaying in a nice jar. Now you will have a place to keep all those spare and found buttons that were filling up your notions drawer.

Tags: look great, apothecary jars, dash color, displayed apothecary, displayed beautiful