Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Qigong Exercises

Qigong (or Chi Kung) is a series of exercises developed in China and performed to calm the mind while invigorating the body. Qigong loosely translates as "energy training." The system joins movement and breathing with intent, to produce noticeable stress reduction benefits. Qigong has been practiced in China by millions of people for thousands of years. While there are a variety of Qigong "styles" and exercises, two basic activities can help you get started.

Diaphragmatic Breathing

The first thing you should learn when practicing any type of qigong is to breathe properly. Most people take shallow breaths, expanding the ribcage only. Qigong exercises will require that you breathe deeper, expanding the diaphragm and relaxing the abdominal muscles. This will allow more oxygen to enter with each breath, providing additional nourishment for your body. This also works as a stress-management tool, as it is difficult to stay tense when you are taking slow, deep breaths.

To practice this, sit in a chair with your back straight or lie down flat on your back. Keep your hands resting on your knees (or at your side if you are lying). Mentally relax the stomach muscles and slowly begin to breathe in through your nose, visualizing the stomach filling with air. Pause for half a second once you have completed your inhalation, then slowly exhale, allowing the breath to gently exit through your nose. Pause for half a second then repeat. Practice this method for at least five minutes every day, or longer if you want.

Basic Relaxation Technique

While sitting with your palms on your knees or lying flat on your back (with arms at your sides), close your eyes and begin to perform diaphragmatic breathing as described in the previous section. With each exhalation, mentally relax one body part at a time, beginning with your head and slowly working your way down your body. By the time you get to your feet, your entire body should feel light and stress free. This is a good exercise to perform right before bed, as it prepares your body for deep and restful sleep.


Note that despite the claims of a number of internet sites, there is nothing magic about Qigong. Traditional Chinese theory states that the movements and intention present in Qigong exercises facilitate the flow of qi (chi) energy throughout the various meridians of the body. By smoothing out this energy flow, individual problems are addressed, and one's health is increased. However, you need not believe in "qi" to reap results from Qigong practice, so do not let skepticism keep you from the possibility of better health. Benefits of qigong accrue slowly, but you should notice improvement within a few weeks of practice.

For best results, practice in a stress-free environment. Shut off televisions, radios, and your cellular phone during practice to avoid being disturbed. Keep your breath natural, and do not attempt to "force" yourself into relaxation--just let things happen. Do not be worried if you have trouble relaxing at first, or if you have an "off" day of practice. Just be diligent and continue training and you will benefit. If you are interested in learning more about Qigong, the book Qigong Empowerment is a valuable resource.

Tags: with your, your back, your body, about Qigong, flat your, flat your back, half second