Thursday, July 19, 2012

How Long Can Lice Live Away From Their Hosts

Head lice are not dangerous and do not cause disease, but they are extremely annoying. Children from the ages of 3 to 12 are the most susceptible. Head lice are most commonly spread through schools and day care, and can be transmitted by children sharing clothes.

The Life Cycle of Lice

Lice can live approximately 60 days on the human head. In that time, the females can lay up to 90 nits (eggs). After about 10 days, the eggs will hatch and be mature about 10 days after that. Lice can live off the human head for about one to two days. The eggs can live off the human head longer, but rarely do because of the glue the female uses to adhere them to the hair.

Get Rid of Lice

There are many methods of getting rid of head lice, from natural ways to over-the-counter medicines. You will also need to get a fine-toothed comb to comb through the hair to get out the nits. This is very time consuming, and will have to be done repeatedly.


There really is no sure way to prevent lice. With the close contact of children in schools and day care, lice can spread quickly and easily. You can tell your child not to share hats, scarves, brushes, combs, or other hair decorations. Having lice is no reflection on your child's hygiene or yours. The best prevention is taking extra care in getting rid of the lice and eggs if your child gets them.

Tags: about days, human head, your child, about days eggs, days eggs, live human