Monday, May 14, 2012

Use Relaxation Techniques To Manage An Ulcer

Use Relaxation Techniques to Manage an Ulcer

Ulcer pain is not always easily managed through medication or diet. Ulcer sufferers can benefit from relaxation techniques that can help manage the pain and stress of an ulcer. Meditation, yoga and deep breathing are all relaxation techniques used by ulcer sufferers to manage ulcer symptoms.


Manage an Ulcer With Common Relaxation Techniques

1. Get regular massage therapy. Massage is thought to prevent pressure ulcers and has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine.

2. Allow your food time to digest properly before undergoing strenuous activity. Too much activity directly after eating can increase the amount of acid in your stomach and cause ulcer irritation and stomach upset.

3. Drink a cup of chamomile tea after eating to aid in relaxation and digestion. Chamomile is a popular herb for relaxing the body and mind.

4. Use meditation to manage pain and relax your digestive system. Meditation can help reduce stress and may alleviate pain.

5. Read books about relieving stress and relaxing your body. Consider "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers" by Robert M. Sapolsky.

Do a Yoga Savasana Daily to Manage Ulcer Symptoms

6. Lie comfortably on your back with your arms a few inches from your sides and your hands upturned.

7. Relax and breathe normally while focusing on feeling your circulation and each one of your muscles relaxing.

8. Imagine energy flowing through you as you breathe in.

9. Think about relaxing your muscles and ridding your body of toxins and pain as you breathe out.

10. Allow your body several minutes to relax and rejuvenate.

11. Repeat every day in the morning and at night to help manage an ulcer.

12. Try to use savasana at the beginning and end of exercise routines, or before returning to work after a lunch break.

Employ Breathing Relaxation Techniques at the Onset of Ulcer Pain

13. Sit in a comfortable position. Keep your feet on the floor if you are sitting in a chair.

14. Clear your mind.

15. Inhale slowly for 8 seconds.

16. Hold the breath for 4 seconds.

17.Exhale for 8 seconds. Visualize your ulcer pain exiting the body with your breath.

18. Wait 4 seconds and repeat the breathing pattern.

19. Stay mindful of your body. Do not tense your muscles or strain while you are breathing.

Tags: your body, Relaxation Techniques, your muscles, after eating, Allow your