Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fix A Toothache Fast

Toothaches can slow down your day.

A toothache can keep you from going about your day and performing basic tasks such as eating or talking. There are some underlying issues that can cause a toothache such as gum disease, cavities and tooth decay, and foreign objects caught in the teeth and gums. If you get a toothache, learning ease the pain can make your mouth feel better faster.


1. Stir together 1/2 cup of lukewarm water and 1 teaspoon of salt. Swish and gargle the salt water mix in your mouth for one minute, then spit and rinse with lukewarm water. The salt water will help relieve the pain for a few hours and can be repeated as often as needed.

2. Take over-the-counter pain medication to relieve pain, and continue taking it according to the label's directions throughout the day to help stay on top of pain. Ask your pharmacist if he recommends any medications that work best on toothaches.

3. Apply a numbing gel to the area where the pain is worst. Dab on a small amount of gel and repeat as needed.

Tags: lukewarm water, relieve pain, salt water, your mouth