Thursday, May 24, 2012

Manage Neurosyphilis

Neurosyphilis is an infection of the central nervous system, which is composed of the brain and spinal cord. You cannot contract neurosyphilis without first having untreated syphilis. Syphilis is one of the oldest sexually transmitted diseases, dating back as far as the 1500s. It is also one the easiest to cure. A nice, big dose of penicillin will cure most cases of syphilis, unless there are other factors present or you are allergic to the antibiotic. Usually, neurosyphilis will not develop until some 10 to 20 years after the initial syphilis infection. This infection is fatal unless treated and can have some nasty lingering effects on your nervous system, such as weakness and dementia, if left untreated.


1. Treat the initial syphilis infection. When properly diagnosed and treated, this STD will resolve and not cause any future problems. A lifestyle change is in order as well, since this is a sexually contracted disease, you must take future precautions for your health and well being.

2. Notify your partner, so he or she may get treatment as well. Syphilis treatment consists of a large dose of penicillin and is quick and inexpensive. Deal with the initial infection and you may never face neurosyphilis.

3. If you have a history of an untreated syphilis infection, then speak with your physician. The symptoms of neurosyphilis can lie dormant with no outward signs or symptoms for months. Then the symptoms can be aggressive and life threatening including lower extremity muscle weakness, confusion, headache, neck stiffness and progressive dementia, to name a few.

4. When symptoms are present, get diagnosed. Your physician can provide a simple blood test for syphilis. If you are known to have this STD, and suspect a developing problem, your physician can provide testing for neurosyphilis such as lumbar puncture, cat scans or MRI’s.

5. Seek immediate treatment. Due to the insidious nature of this disease it can be silent initially and progress rapidly. The treatment will probably include a hospitalization stay where you are administered intravenous Penicillin (or a like antibiotic if you are allergic). They will also complete follow up testing to ensure that the disease is cured at three-month intervals.

Tags: syphilis infection, dose penicillin, initial syphilis, initial syphilis infection, nervous system, physician provide, untreated syphilis