Thursday, May 31, 2012

Prevent Skin Yeast Infections

Prevent Skin Yeast Infections

Candidiasis is a type of skin infection caused by yeast called candida albicans that normally settles on the skin and other parts of the body. These microorganisms appear harmless when the body is healthy enough to control their growth. But when the immune system is supressed, like individuals who are undergoing antibiotic or immuno-suppressive therapy, such group of fungi will uncontrollably grow to the point of causing infections. Such infections are prominent in warm and moist areas such as the linings of the mouth, armpits, skin folds, linings of the vagina or male genitalia, or the surface of the rectum. Factors that contribute to the growth of fungal skin infections include poor hygiene, hot and humid weather, overly tight clothing, inflammatory diseases (psoriasis), increased skin folds due to obesity, and diabetes. Symptoms are excessive itching and burning sensation of the skin, followed by cracking and moistening of its areas, which eventually becomes painful, red discoloration, which may contain pus, scaling or blistering of the scratched skin, swollen nail folds, and peeling of the skin commonly seen in between fingers. To protect your skin against candidiasis or yeast infection, apply the following preventive measures.


1. Cleanse your whole body by taking daily baths or showers. This is the best way to protect your skin against infections. Make sure to dry yourself good after taking a shower, especially around the groin, skin folds, anal area and armpits, before you put on your clothes and underwear.

2. Control the use of anti-bacterial agents when it comes to washing the skin, mouth, genitalia, or the anus. It is much better if you use it alternately with clean water every other day, instead of using it everyday, when you take a shower. This way, everything will be balanced and your skin will still be protected.

3. Maintain proper hygiene in specific areas of your body. Brush your teeth, floss, and use a mouthwash to cleanse your mouth daily. During menstruation, women should often change tampons or sanitary napkins, to protect vaginal skin against fungi. Wipe the anus properly from front to back after defecation and never do it the other way around.

4. Wash and change towels as often as possible. Avoid using the same towel for a long period of time. You are using this to wipe your skin so make sure to keep it clean. Avoid sharing towels with others for your own safety.

5. Do not take antibiotics or steroids unless it’s necessary for you to do so. These types of drugs may suppress the body’s immune system, causing increase in the growth of fungi. So be wary when it comes to taking these medications.

6. Wear clothes and underwear that allow your skin to breathe. Overly tight clothing or underwear will only increase moisture and humidity around the areas of the skin and genitalia, making it an ideal place for fungi to settle. Loose clothing provides good ventilation of the skin and allows moisture to dry out easily keeping the skin dry and fungi-free.

7. Change soiled and wet clothes immediately. After doing your exercise or after swimming, change your damped clothes or swimsuit immediately to protect your skin against fungal attack. If you are swimming in a pool, make sure to take a shower to wash off chlorine from your skin, and wipe the areas thoroughly before putting on clean and dry clothes and underwear.

8. Eat right. Add yogurt in your diet because it contains good bacteria known as lactobacillus acidophilus that keeps the body healthy and prevents invasion of fungi or candida. Consume a lot of fruits and vegetables to keep your immune system strong. Decrease your sugar and alcohol intake because this only promotes the growth of yeast.

9. Keep your body lean and healthy. Skin folds are considered an ideal place for fungi. So try to maintain a healthy weight to lessen the number of skin folds around your body.

10. Try taking garlic extracts. Garlic extracts contain a substance known as allyl alcohol that inhibits or prevents the growth of candida.

Tags: your skin, skin against, clothes underwear, immune system, protect your, protect your skin