Monday, January 30, 2012

Symptoms Of A Slow Thyroid

The thyroid is a gland located in the throat that releases hormones to control the way the body uses calories for energy. In some cases, too few hormones are released; this is known as hypothyroidism. Though it's a condition that's easily treated, the symptoms can often be attributed to stress or aging. To properly diagnose this condition, a blood test is done which checks the hormone levels being secreted by the thyroid.


Hypothyroidism can result in other health problems that produce their own symptoms. However, these symptoms all point to the underlying cause, which is a slow thyroid.


The job of the thyroid is to convert the food people eat into energy. When a thyroid is underactive, or slow, the body reacts in various ways through the symptoms it presents.


Some of the more common symptoms of hypothyroidism include hair loss, problems with immune systems, weight gain, fatigue, insomnia, depression and forgetfulness.


The common symptoms of hypothyroidism are due to a hormone imbalance. If there is too much estrogen in a person's body, it can slow down the activity of the thyroid.


In addition to prescription medications used to treat hypothyroidism, exercise may also help; it can help jump-start your metabolism, increase your energy and help with depression.

Tags: common symptoms, common symptoms hypothyroidism, symptoms hypothyroidism