Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Old Remedies For Lice

Lice like to make their homes in people's hair.

Lice are extremely annoying little pests that live in people's hair. These little rust-colored creatures (eggs, or nits, are white or yellowish) suck your blood and build nests on your scalp, causing itching and possibly even prompting infections. There are numerous old home remedies for getting rid of head lice, some of which may work and others that are not really effective.


One of the most well-known methods for getting rid of head lice is to smother them with something like mayonnaise. Typically, the mayonnaise is spread generously over the person's scalp and is then covered with a shower cap. The mayonnaise will sit over night and purportedly will smother all of the lice and remove the nits. The mayonnaise can then be washed out of the hair the next morning. This method is not very effective but can produce some results for small infections and is an alternative to using chemicals.

Flea Shampoos

Flea shampoos for dogs contain some of the same active ingredients as found in lice shampoos, including pyrethrins and permethrin. Dog shampoos can be somewhat effective at getting rid of lice, but they can also make your hair (or your child's) very brittle and cause rashes or over-drying and an itchy scalp.

Hair Conditioner

Hair conditioner can be used in a smothering method like mayonnaise. Cover hair in conditioner before bed. Use a comb to make sure it spreads thoroughly, then leave it in the hair overnight while wearing a shower cap. In the morning, the conditioner should be washed out, and the process should be repeated until you're lice-free. This method works by gradually getting rid of the nits until there's no lice left.


Soaking the hair in vinegar for around three to five minutes is purported to not only kill lice but make the hairs slimy, allowing you to easily pull out any nits, which will just hatch into more lice if they're not removed.


Put some commercial mouthwash into an empty spray bottle and spray a good amount in your hair, then comb it through. Leave it on for about 10 minutes, then wash it out and repeat this process daily until you're free of lice. The alcohol may kill the head lice and make it easier to remove the nits.

Tags: head lice, getting head, getting head lice, lice make, lice they, like mayonnaise