Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Parkinson'S Disease Signs & Symptoms

Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder that affects the central nervous system. It is the result of a lack of the chemical messenger, dopamine, in the brain. Researchers are not clear about what causes the changes in the cells that produce dopamine. More than 1.5 million people in the United States are effected by symptoms of Parkinson's disease. There is no known cure, however, medication may help alleviate some of the symptoms.

Speech Changes

Parkinson's Disease often causes speech disturbances, such as monotone voice, slurring words, less voice control and hesitation before speaking.

Rigid Muscles

Muscle rigidity typically occurs in the neck, arms and legs. The severity differs and may cause difficulty moving, limit range of motion and may cause pain.


Bradykinesia is the slowing of voluntary movements. It may take longer to initiate movements like walking and doing everyday tasks. Even when movement begins, tasks may take longer to complete.

Automatic Movement Loss

Some people with Parkinson's Disease lose the ability to blink automatically and may seem to have a blank stare. Normal motions such as swinging the arms while walking may disappear. Body movements become less animated.


Many people who have Parkinson's Disease do not experience a significant tremor, however those who do, often have shaky hands or rub their fore finger and thumb together, a movement known as "pin rolling."

Impaired Posture

In the later stages of Parkinson's Disease, patients may experience a stooped posture and have difficulties with balance.


In the later stages of Parkinson's Disease, memory recall and clarity may become an issue.

Tags: Parkinson Disease, later stages, later stages Parkinson, Parkinson Disease, stages Parkinson, stages Parkinson Disease, take longer