Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Treatment For A Chronic Tension Headache

A tension headache--also known as a stress headache--is a common type of headache that can range from mild to severe. There are several causes of a tension headache, and sufferers often describe the discomfort as a tight band around the forehead. Tension headaches can linger for several days or weeks, and they can affect your concentration. But fortunately, treatments are available.

OTC Drugs

Several medications are available to treat a tension-type headache. Visit your local pharmacy and choose a pain reliever such as ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen or naproxen sodium. Take the medication as directed. Additionally, some over-the-counter drugs are designed specifically for tension or stress headaches. And along with common pain ingredients, these medications include caffeine, which is widely known to ease tension-type headache (with moderate consumption). Drinking a caffeinated beverage with a pain reliever can also relieve a tension headache.

Ice or Heat Therapy

Relieving a tension-type headache can be as simple as relaxing tension muscles. To accomplish this, use a heat or ice pack. Depending on your personal preferences, take a heating pad or an ice pack and apply it to your forehead. For comfort, wrap the ice pack in a dry cloth before applying the compress to your forehead. Use heat or cold therapy as needed throughout the day to get rid of a tension headache. Apply the compress for 10 to 20 minutes and then remove for 10 to 20 minutes.

Proper Rest

A natural treatment for tension-type headaches is proper rest. Being stressed or leading a busy life can trigger a tension headache. However, you can relieve discomfort by getting enough rest. Endeavor to sleep at least eight hours a night. To promote restful sleep, create a comfortable sleep environment. Maintain a comfortable temperature and turn off the television. If you need background noise, play relaxing or soothing music. And if you work on a computer, taking frequent breaks can prevent and ease a tension headache.

Tags: tension headache, tension-type headache, pain reliever, your forehead