Monday, August 10, 2009

Home Remedy For Bunions

A bunion is a protrusion of the big toe bone caused by structural problems in the foot. Bunions are mainly hereditary but also arise from improper footwear such as high heels that are too tight. People with bunions experience terrible pain when walking as well as swelling and inflammation. Severe bunions really require surgery to correct, but there are a number of things you can do at home to ease the pain. Perhaps the most important thing is to find comfortable, supportive footwear so that your bunions don't get any worse.

Pain Relief

There are a number of easy home remedies to reduce the pain and swelling of bunions. Apply ice to the bunion several times a day using an ice pack or ice cubes wrapped in a clean dishtowel. Don't apply ice directly because it can irritate or burn the skin. You can also apply heat to the bunion, as this increases blood flow and reduces pain and swelling. Use a heating pad for this and be careful not to burn the skin. Massage the bunion regularly by gently rubbing across the front of your foot. You can also soak your feet in a hot bath with Epsom salts.

Structural Improvement

Bunions are aggravated by tight, poorly fitting shoes, plain and simple. To ease the pain and discomfort of bunions, avoid wearing shoes when you can. Instead, wear sandals as much as possible. Running shoes are also great because they usually have ample toe room so you won't feel that pressure on your toes. Your feet will appreciate the softer material, extra padding, and support. There are a number of arch supports, slings, pads and other shoe inserts that you can purchase to improve your foot structure and reduce bunion pain.


The most important prevention measure you can take is to always wear comfortable shoes that fit properly. Even when you do wear heels or other more formal shoes, make sure they fit properly and don't cause unnecessary pressure in your feet. When you buy shoes, tell the shoe seller about your condition and the person should be able to direct you to the best available shoes for bunions and make sure they fit you properly. Also, bunions are hereditary so ask your relatives if they have experienced bunions before and know that you are at risk if they have.

Tags: burn skin, ease pain, make sure, make sure they, most important