Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cure Children With Asthma

Asthma is a common health problem among children. There is not a real cure for this health condition. However, the symptoms of asthma can be kept under control. While most children with asthma require an inhaler, there are a number of things that parents of children with asthma can do to prevent regular attacks from occurring.


1. Reduce the number of irritants that are in your child's environment. Cigarette smoke, pet dander, dust and pollen can all trigger an asthma attack. Your child will be much less likely to have an asthma attack if these triggers are kept out of his environment as much as possible.

2. Have your child take allergy medicine if necessary. Children who are severely allergic to a specific trigger that remains in their environment, such as pollen, should definitely be put on allergy medicine. Most asthmatic children should also be put on special asthma medications to reduce the number of asthmatic attacks.

3. Encourage your child to exercise on a regular basis. Obesity is known to cause asthmatics to experience more attacks. At the same time, it's important for your child to be very careful. Many asthmatics experience attacks due to exercise. If this is a problem for your child, she should have an inhaler at all times when exercising.

4. Keep your child off drugs that are known for triggering attacks, such as aspirin. Ask your child's primary care physician for a complete list of nonprescription and prescription drugs that can cause your child to experience an asthma attack.

5. Keep your child away from everyday irritants that might cause him to experience a reaction. These include beauty products, such as deodorant, cologne and perfume.

6. Get a humidifier for your child's bedroom. Many asthmatics have attacks due to a lack of moisture in the air. Ensuring that there is moisture in the air that your child breathes is one of the best ways to prevent an asthma attack.

Tags: your child, your child, asthma attack, allergy medicine, asthmatics experience