Monday, August 10, 2009

Causes Of Lower Leg Cramps

Lower leg cramps are the muscles in your legs contracting or over shortening on a recurrent or continual basis. Sometimes, the pain can be worse at night or after eating certain foods. There are many disorders and medications that can cause lower leg cramps. It is important to consult your physician to get a proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment to help alleviate your pain.

Varicose Veins

If your legs have blue veins that appear to be swollen and twisted, these are varicose veins, and they can be the cause of leg cramping, particularly at night or after standing for any length of time.


Too little oxygen to the muscles, known as tissue hypoxia, can cause lower leg cramps. This is common after strenuous exercise.

Low Calcium

If you have low calcium levels in your blood, this can cause lower leg cramps. This condition is also known as hypocalcemia.


Low potassium is called hypokalemia, and it can be a factor in lower leg cramps.

Excess Insulin

If your body is producing too much insulin, you may experience lower leg cramps.


Some medications, such as those used to lower cholesterol, can alter blood glucose levels and thus cause lower leg cramps.

Tags: cause lower, cause lower cramps, lower cramps, cramps This, lower cramps, lower cramps This