Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What Impact Does Smoking Have On Asthma

Asthmatics have difficulty breathing because of swelling in the passages of the airways to their lungs. This can cause life-threatening attacks. Smoke is an irritant that is especially hurtful to the lungs of an asthmatic. Tobacco smoke contains harmful substances. It can be dangerous to an asthmatic whether the person is the one smoking.


Cigarette and cigar smoke can damage the cilia, tiny hairlike structures that are in the airways. The smoke reduces the inability of the cilia to work, so dust and mucus accumulate and trigger attacks.

Second-Hand Smoke

Second-hand smoke can be just as dangerous to asthmatics because they breathe the carbon monoxide, nicotine and tar exhaled from smokers. These substances can cause the asthmatic to cough and wheeze.

Prenatal Smoking

If a woman smokes during pregnancy, her child is 10 times more likely to have asthma. In addition, smoking during pregnancy has been linked to low birth weight, sudden infant death syndrome and premature births.

Long-Term Effects

If an asthmatic is exposed to smoking long term, the damage can cause more severe attacks as well as additional lung problems. Asthmatics are also prone to sinus infections when exposed to smoke.


Smoking is dangerous to asthmatics, who already suffer from a serious illness. Asthmatics should not smoke and should try to avoid being around smokers.

Tags: dangerous asthmatics, during pregnancy