Thursday, September 26, 2013

Degrees Of Stage Fright

Stage fright is a phobia of performing in front of an audience. Stage fright is very common at one time or another for public speakers, actors, musicians and other performers. The psychological fear of embarrassing oneself in public can be powerful. Perfectionism, fear of making a mistake in public or allowing fear to overtake the speaker may cause many of the symptoms listed below.


Nervousness and anxiety are a part of stage fright and can show themselves through jittery, unsettled feelings and sweating.

Physical Symptoms

Fear of speaking can lead to headache, stomach problems, changed breathing, dizziness and unsteadiness when standing.

Unable to Speak

Stage fright can cause the speaker to be unable to speak during the presentation, causing stuttering.

Flight or Fight Reaction

High degree of stage fright can manifest itself as extreme distress, with an adrenaline rush, a racing pulse, an elevated blood pressure, a fast heart beat, a flushed face and trembling hands.

Panic Attack

Stage fright may bring on a full-fledged panic attack with physical problems such as difficulty breathing, chest pains and heart palpitations.

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