Monday, September 19, 2011

Save A Powerpoint Presentation To A Cdrom

The Microsoft PowerPoint application allows you to create a series of presentational slides to use for school or business. After you have finished creating your presentation, you can save it to your hard drive. You also have the option to save your presentation to a blank CD using the Package for CD feature. The process for saving your PowerPoint presentation to a blank disc can be accomplished similarly for both the 2003 and 2007 version of PowerPoint.


1. Open the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation you want to save to a CD-ROM on your computer.

2. Insert a blank CD-R or CD-RW into the CD burning drive on your computer.

3. Click the "Microsoft Office" button if you're using PowerPoint 2007, or click the "File" option if you're using PowerPoint 2003.

4. Click the "Publish" option and then click the "Package for CD" option. The Package for CD dialog box will then appear.

5. Enter a name for your CD in the "Name the CD" field. Click the "Add Files" option and select the presentation you want to add to your blank CD. Click the "Add" option if you want to add more presentations to the disc.

6. Click the "Options" button and then click the "Viewer Package" option. Select an option that meets your preferences from the "Select how presentations will play in the viewer" list.

7. Click the "OK" button to close out the "Options" dialog box. Click the "Copy to CD" option to save the presentation to the CD. Allow time for the saving process to complete, then close out of the dialog box.

Tags: Microsoft PowerPoint, option save, Package option, presentation blank, presentation want