Friday, December 27, 2013

Reduce Stress Before An Interview

Going on a job interview can be quite the stressful situation. It's important to remain calm during the interview process. Here is how you can reduce stress before an interview.


1. Familiarize yourself with the company or organization that is interviewing you. Knowing more than just basic info about your possible new job will better prepare you for the interview. This will greatly reduce your stress before you arrive for your interview.

2. Get a good amount of sleep the night before your interview. Being tired the day of your interview can make you feel more worried and less prepared, thus increasing your stress.

3. Limit your caffeine intake before your interview. Caffeine is a stimulant that can make you feel shaky and even hyper. It can also increase your heart rate and make you feel more stressed.

4. Arrive to your interview at least a half hour before your interview is supposed to begin. This will give you plenty of time to review any notes that you may want to look at again as well as mentally prepare yourself for your upcoming interview.

5. If you are prepared, take a walk outside if you have time to do so. Doing so will work off any extra energy you may have as well as let you go over everything one final time. This last step of preparation is a great final way to reduce stress before your interview.

6. Enter the building where your interview is taking place anywhere between five to ten minutes before the interview is scheduled to begin. This may actually get your interview started quicker. You'll probably feel less stressed once your interview begins.

Tags: your interview, before your, before your interview, make feel, before interview