Friday, September 13, 2013

Jojoba Oil And Rosacea

Jojoba Oil and Rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that does not always respond to conventional treatments. In recent years, jojoba oil has gained popularity among rosacea sufferers as a moisturizing treatment that does not exacerbate their symptoms.


Produced from the seed of the jojoba plant, the oil is actually a natural wax. Despite being a wax, jojoba oil remains a liquid at room temperatures because it is composed of unsaturated fatty acids.


Closely resembling the human sebum, jojoba oil easily integrates into the skin without causing allergic reactions. The gentle, soothing action combined with its inherent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make the oil a promising alternative treatment for rosacea.


Seen in fair-skinned individuals, rosacea is a difficult condition to treat. A genetic disorder caused by blood vessels that dilate at the slightest trigger, rosacea is characterized by facial redness and bumpy skin. Jojoba oil helps by fortifying the barrier function, and as a result, improving the general health of the sensitive skin of rosacea sufferers.


Although not everyone who uses jojoba oil for rosacea reports success, it is worth trying because it is inexpensive and does not cause side effects.


Jojoba oil can be used instead of a regular moisturizer by applying a drop or two to affected areas after cleansing skin.

Tags: rosacea sufferers, skin Jojoba, that does