Wednesday, November 28, 2012

How Does Weight Watchers Help With Weight Loss

How Does Weight Watchers Help With Weight Loss?

Food and Activity

Since it's inception in 1963, the Weight Watcher's method for weight loss has exploded into a power house in the weight loss industry with locations in over 30 countries. Although the specifics of the Weight Watcher's plan have varied over the past 40 years the focus has always been on reduced calorie foods and increased physical activity. Physical activity is increased slowly over the course of the program. Any activity that burns calories is encouraged as is tracking the amount of activity accomplished.

Currently Weight Watchers has two food plans clients may choose from: The Core Plan and The Flex Plan. The Core Plan reduces caloric intake by recommending an individual eat from a specific list of healthy foods, while the Flex Plan allows one to eat any food as long as it is within a certain daily point total. The points allowed per person per day are based on ones weight, activity level, gender and age. Every food has a point value that is assigned based on fat, fiber and calorie content. This point system enables members to track food intake without having to carefully count calories.

Both the Flex and Core Plans assist with weight loss not only by reducing calories and fat but by focusing on whole grains and healthy habits. Both food plans recommend a balanced diet by suggesting that the following are consumed each day: three dairy servings, five servings of fruits and vegetables, two teaspoons of healthy oils, six glasses of water, two servings of healthy protein, a multi-vitamin and limited/no alcohol or sugar.


Although food and activity are the cornerstones of most weight loss plans, Weight Watcher's goes a step further with their advice. Weight Watcher members are encouraged to attend weekly meetings during and after weight loss. These meetings are designed to help the dieter stay on track by providing support and accountability. Meetings are run by leaders who have used the Weight Watcher's plan to lose and maintain weight loss. Additional support in the form of other group members is also considered key. Weight Watcher's also provides support in the form of weight loss research, online tools such as discussion groups, menu and exercise ideas and weight loss foods.


Behavior is a key component for any lasting weight loss, according to Weight Watchers. Because of this the Weight Watcher's plan focuses on self-monitoring and cognitive skills. Self-monitoring is done by tracking food intake and activity and attending weekly weigh-in sessions. Program members are also advised on methods to change unhealthy thought patterns by learning cognitive skills called the "Tools for Living." These tools are vital to sticking with the program achieving long-term weight loss.

Tags: Weight Watcher, weight loss, weight loss, Weight Watchers, Watcher plan, Weight Watcher plan, cognitive skills