Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Treat A Cleft Lip

Cleft lip is a birth defect that affects newborn babies around the world. Each year thousands are born with gaps or holes in their upper lip that can create problems eating, drinking, talking and more. Advances in medical treatment have made it possible for doctors to correct this deformity early on. Learn here treat your child's cleft lip.


1. Undergo plastic surgery. The first step in providing treatment for a cleft lip is to have plastic surgery. Generally this will occur when the baby is between three and six months old. A surgeon will carefully close the gap or hole that is present in the lip using stitches to hold it closed. Most babies will have a small scar on the area above their upper lips. The surgeon may also correct any problems that are present with the nose or nostrils during this time as well.

2. Check ears and hearing. After the baby has had corrective surgery for their cleft lip, he should have routine screenings of hearing and ears to ensure no fluid buildup is occurring and causing damage. This generally is a larger problem for children born with cleft palates, yet it can still occur for babies born with a cleft lip.

3. Consult dentists regarding number of teeth and alignment. In most cases a deformity of the mouth or lips results in missing teeth or improper alignment of the jaw. Even though surgery can fix the gap present on the lip, false teeth may be needed for any gaps and braces can help straighten the alignment of teeth that are present but out of place. Depending upon the severity of the initial cleft lip the child may require a bone graft at the age of 8 or 9 in order to hold permanent teeth in place. Generally this is done by taking a small piece of the hipbone and using it to reconstruct the upper mouth or upper jaw.

4. Seek additional plastic surgery if needed to improve appearance. The cleft lip could result in misalignment of nostrils or large scars could remain from the initial surgery. In these instances consider additional plastic surgery to correct these cosmetic problems.

Tags: plastic surgery, born with, that present, additional plastic, additional plastic surgery