Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Deal With Rls (Restless Legs Syndrome)

If you are reading this late at night because you once again woke up to the feeling of running a marathon in your sleep, you probably already know you have restless legs syndrome. Periodic leg movement is another sleep disorder that is associated with restless legs syndrome and can be the first sign that you have it. Getting properly diagnosed is important if you have either periodic leg movement or restless legs syndrome so that you can deal with it with medication and lifestyle changes.


1. If you have woken up because your restless legs syndrome has caused another sleep disturbance, drink warm milk to help you get back to sleep.

2. Certain food, such as bananas, have been reported to help with restless legs syndrome. This may be because restless legs syndrome can be associated with an iron deficiency in the body and bananas have a high iron content.

3. Prescription medication may be necessary to deal with restless legs syndrome. Some medications like Requip and Mirapex are made specifically for this disorder. Others like Klonapin, which is an anti-anxiety drug, have also shown to ease RLS symptoms. Those who use Klonapin may have to periodically increase the dosage. Requip can have nasty side effects in some people. It can cause chest pain and sweating. Go to the emergency room if you take Requip and experience these symptoms.

4. Stretch before bed. Lie down on your back and wrap a beach towel or sheet around the bottom of your foot. Pull your leg back towards your head, and hold for about 10 to 15 seconds. Don't overstrain. Do other common leg exercises that you would do before or after a work out.

5. Exercise. Restless legs syndrome is worsened by stress and inactivity. Exercising can help you cope better with stress. Exercise can also have a direct effect on restless legs syndrome by reducing the urge to move your legs constantly. Exercise can help at the onset of symptoms. Many people report that walking around or doing some other exercise for a few minutes eases the symptomes and they can return to bed.

6. Lose weight. Weight loss can ease restless legs syndrome. Speak with your doctor if you think your weight is causing or aggrevating your condiiton.

7. Some SSRIs can cause restless legs syndrome. If your symptoms began after you started taking an antidepressant, talk with your doctor about changing medications or adding an additional medication for restless legs syndrome if you feel that going off the antidepressant would be detrimental.

8. Avoid caffiene, especially at night. Switch to diet soda or drink water or lemonade instead. Avoid iced tea, tea and coffee.

Tags: legs syndrome, restless legs, restless legs syndrome, restless legs syndrome, restless legs syndrome, with restless legs