Thursday, June 17, 2010

Make Rice Therapy Bags

Raw rice can bring you relief in a rice therapy bag.

A rice therapy bag is a pouch of fabric containing raw rice and, in some cases, fragrant essential oils. When heated, the pouch can relax sore muscles and provide relief for a toothache or even labor pains. When frozen, the rice bag can act as a comfortable cold pack, reducing swelling and pain of acute injuries or relieving a tension headache. While a common rice therapy bag is about 6 inches by 9 inches, you can make yours in a size that is convenient for you, based on how you will use it.


1. Place the fabric rectangles with the right sides together. Using a sewing machine or needle and thread, sew a small running stitch around the rectangle, leaving a 1/2-inch seam allowance. Leave a 2-inch section of the rectangle open. The fabric bag will be filled through this opening. Sew around the rectangle again, this time leaving a 1/4-inch seam allowance. This will prevent rice from slipping out between the stitches.

2. Turn the pouch inside out so the right sides are now facing out. If necessary, use an unsharpened pencil or the dull side of a knitting needle to form the four corners.

3. Pour the rice into the pouch, using a funnel. If desired, sprinkle a few drops of essential oil onto the rice first, and mix well. Some popular scents include cinnamon, lavender and orange.

4. Tuck in the ends of the 2-inch, unsewn section, and sew it closed with a running stitch. Shake the pack to evenly distribute the rice and the oils.

5. Store your rice therapy bag in the freezer so it will be cold when you need it. If you want to use it warmed, heat in the microwave for one-and-a-half to two minutes, keeping a close eye on it to prevent scorching. If desired, you can spritz the bag with water before heating to create a moister heat.

Tags: rice therapy, around rectangle, right sides, running stitch, seam allowance