Thursday, November 28, 2013

Get Rid Of Sore Gums After A Tooth Extraction

Take steps to care for gums after tooth extraction.

Before your tooth extraction, you will be asked about your medical history and undergo tooth x-ray. Antibiotics may be prescribed before and after the extraction. After the extraction, a blood clot should form to cover the extraction site. This will help the gum to heal. The dentist or oral surgeon should give you pain medication. According to, you should avoid aspirin, as it thins the blood and could cause more bleeding. Have someone to drive you home. Follow steps to get rid of sore gums after a tooth extraction.


1. Take your pain medication.

Begin taking pain medication as soon as possible.

2. Relax after your extraction.

Avoid strenuous activity for at least two hours.

3. Do not spit or suck.

4. Use gauze on the extraction site.

Wad up gauze and bite down on the extraction site to stop bleeding. (Your oral surgeon will probably have this for you.)

Tags: extraction site, pain medication, tooth extraction, after tooth, after tooth extraction, gums after, gums after tooth