Monday, April 29, 2013

Is Whey Protein Used In The Treatment Of Diabetes

Individuals with diabetes must monitor their diets carefully to control insulin and sugar levels. Whey protein, which is derived from dairy, can be a beneficial addition to the diet, but some caution must be exercised when adding it to the diet.


Whey protein helps retain and build lean muscle mass in the body, which is critical in losing body fat or maintaining healthy body fat levels. One study found that adding whey protein to a meal of fast -digesting carbohydrates increased insulin and improved the body's blood glucose levels after the meal.


Protein digestion can tax the kidneys, and people with diabetes are at an increased risk of developing kidney problems. Consuming excess protein can cause kidney stones or an acidic body condition that causes serious health problems for individuals with diabetes. Watching overall protein consumption, staying active and drinking adequate water can reduce the risk of these conditions.


Of particular interest to individuals with diabetes is that by eating whey protein with high glycemic index foods, the overall glycemic index of the meal will be lowered. This is thought to be caused by the slower digestion of the whey protein.


Be careful to stay hydrated, not exceed a safe level of protein consumption and monitor your kidney function if you decide to add a whey supplement to your diet. Your doctor can help you determine how much protein to eat and how much water to drink based on your lifestyle and physical condition.


In addition to lowering the glycemic index and slowing digestion, whey protein helps create lean muscle mass, which is crucial for losing body fat and keeping it off.

Tags: with diabetes, glycemic index, digestion whey, digestion whey protein, individuals with, lean muscle, lean muscle mass