Friday, April 5, 2013

Heavy Ball Exercises

A heavy ball, or medicine ball, can be used to add a small amount of weight and resistance to a workout without the need for free weights. Heavy balls are good for those needing exercise to rehabilitate joints after surgery or those without the means to have a fully stocked free weight set.

Kneel to Pushup

Get down onto your knees with your back and neck straight. Hold the heavy ball in your hands and bring it to your chest. Fall forward with the heavy ball in your hands. As you fall, push the heavy ball forward, releasing it as you do so. When the ball is released use your hands to catch your body weight and bring yourself down into a pushup by bending the elbows. Have a partner present to pass the ball back to you once you have completed the push up and brought yourself to the starting position.


Stand with your legs spread so that they are shoulder width apart. Hold the heavy ball in your hands and bring it up above your head. Bring the ball back behind your head and once you have extend the arms back as far as they can go, bring the ball back over the head and throw the ball as hard as you can towards the floor. Attempt to catch the ball as it bounces and repeat.

Russian Twists

Exercise the obliques by performing a Russian twist. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart with the back and neck straight. Hold the heavy ball in your hands with the arms slightly bent so that the heavy ball is right in front of the abdominal muscles. Swing the ball so that it is over the right hip, keeping the legs still. If you are not flexible, bring the left leg up onto the toe when swinging to the right side and the opposite for the left. Swing back and forth until you feel a burning in the oblique muscles.

Tags: heavy ball, your hands, ball your, ball your hands, heavy ball your, ball back