Thursday, November 3, 2011

Get A Tick To Release

Tick removal methods are often nothing more than old wives' tales, according to the Illinois University College of Veterinary Medicine. Put away the hot matches and Vaseline, because those tick removal tricks can contribute to the spread of disease and harmful bacteria. A tick will naturally drop off of its host once it has finished its meal, but prompt removal reduces the chance of contracting a tick-borne illness. Use tweezers to remove ticks from your pets and from yourself.


1. Protect your hands with latex gloves before handling the tick.

2. Pinch the tick's body with your tweezers as close as possible to the host's skin. Pinching too far away from the skin increases the chance of pulling the tick apart rather than removing it.

3. Pull the tick out from the skin with your pinched tweezers. Avoid twisting, jerking or crushing the tick in the process, as this can leave the tick's head beneath the skin or increase the spread of harmful bacteria.

4. Place the tick in a small plastic bag, and then seal the bag and put it in your freezer. The frozen tick will aid a physician or veterinarian in identification of bacteria, should you or your pet become ill from the tick bite.

5. Wash the site of the tick bite with soap and warm water, and dispose of your gloves.

Tags: from skin, harmful bacteria, tick bite, tick will, with your