Monday, June 6, 2011

Make The Smell Of Body Wash Stay

Make the Smell of Body Wash Stay

Have you ever wished you could capture the scent of your body wash and turn it in to a perfume so it wouldn't fade in an hour? By adding some simple adjustments to your grooming ritual you can make the smell of body wash stay much longer. Save money and time by stretching the longevity of your favorite scented body wash.


1. Use other skin care products with the same scent as your body wash. Layering smells is a good way to extend the potency. Same scented lotion, bar soap and perfume or cologne will help keep the scent around.

2. Massage mineral oil onto the skin before using body wash. The oil will slow the evaporation or dissipation of the scent.

3. Apply a dab of body wash on pulse points as the body will absorb the scent in these areas, making a longer lasting scent. The inside of the wrist and behind the knees will work for this purpose.

4. Use body wash in a hot shower while your pores are open and will absorb more scent.

5. Wipe a dollop of petroleum jelly to the area you will be applying body wash. The substance will help the scent to cling to your body.

6. Store your body wash at room temperature. Sunlight and heat can degrade the scent of the skin care product.

Tags: body wash, your body, body wash, your body wash, body wash, Make Smell Body