Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Make A Sock Monster

When your socks mysteriously vanish in the wash, a sock monster is just the thing to make with your children to use up the odd socks. Tell them that the sock monster lives in the dryer and kidnaps one sock from each pair, leaving the other, but that you know what it looks like. Once the monster is made, joining your children in play will add addition hours of quality time.


1. Choose 2 socks from your odd sock pile. Lay out the first sock so that the heel is facing upward. Pinch the fabric together on the heel, forming what looks like lips. The neck is below the heel and the rest of the head above it. The bottom can be split to form the legs.

2. Press the open end of the sock flat, and clip it in the middle about 3 inches up to form the legs. Clip a triangle out of the toe of the sock to form the horns or ears. Cut a narrow triangle below the heel from each side to create the neck

3. Lay out the second sock and cut a slit from the tip of the toe to the length that you want the arms. Cut the arms off at a 45-degree angle going up from the outside to the center.

4. Use the other end of the second sock by laying it flat and cutting the tail out. From the sock opening, cut down the center the length that you choose and clip straight across.

5. Sew the parts together. Start by turning the head inside out and stitching shut the horns using very small stitches. Tie it off and do the same process for the neck. Attach the eyes or buttons at this point.

6. Turn the monster right side out and stuff the head. Pin the lips the way that you want them and sew around the outside of each lip to make it stand out.

7. Turn the arms inside out and stitch them closed. Do the same with the tail. Stuff them. Stuff the body up to the legs and stitch the arms and tail on, attempting to make the stitches small and invisible.

8. Turn the legs inside out and stitch starting at the outer corner of each and going up the side. Do not go completely to the end so that you have a way to turn it right side out and stuff it. Do this to both sides, stuff the remainder of the body and legs and close the opening with and overcast stitch. You now have Sam or Sarina Sock Monster.

Tags: below heel, body legs, form legs, from each, inside stitch