Monday, May 16, 2011

Breathing Techniques

Practice Anywhere

Breath is essential to all human life. While many of us do not breathe well, we can take full advantage of the physical and mental benefits by learning proper breathing techniques. While there are myriad kinds of breathing techniques and exercises, in this article we will introduce the basic types of breathing and a few simple techniques to get started.

Mind, Body and Health

Dr. Andrew Weil, a noted health adviser, says, "Breathing is the bridge between mind and body, the connection between consciousness and unconsciousness, the movement of spirit in matter. Breath is the key to health and wellness, a function we can learn to regulate and develop in order to improve our physical, mental and spiritual well-being."

Types of Breathing

There are two basic types of breathing, chest breathing and abdominal breathing. Most of us breathe in an unconscious way with shallow, rapid and inefficient breaths that only fill the upper lungs. This is chest breathing. This way of breathing limits oxygen transfer to the blood and slows nutrient delivery to the tissues.

Abdominal breathing results when we participate in conscious breathing, filling and emptying the lungs more completely.

Beginner's Breathing Technique

Weil suggests the following breathing technique for beginners. Begin by closing your eyes for a few minutes. Practice moving your breath. Keep your back straight. Begin with a deep, audible sigh, then quietly inhale and see how slow, deep, quiet and regular you can make your breathing and still have it feel perfectly comfortable. You should feel that you are getting enough air. Do this for at least eight breaths. Do this exercise whenever you can.

Belly Breath Exercise

Another simple exercise for learning to breathe abdominally comes from the University of Missouri, Kansas City Extension Center. Lie flat on your back to get a proper sense of deep breathing. Place your hands, palms down, on your stomach, at the base of the rib cage. Make sure that the middle fingers of both hands are barely touching each other, and take a deep breath. Exhale, and begin again. For best results, practice this exercise for five minutes.

Tags: basic types, basic types breathing, breathing techniques, chest breathing, physical mental