Friday, April 9, 2010

Hot Peppers & Dieting

There are some misconceptions about hot peppers and their health value. Once you understand them better, you may want to make them a part of your diet.

Digestive System

Contrary to popular belief, hot peppers have been shown to be very good for the digestive system. They increase the good kind of stomach acid that's made. Although spicy foods are said to irritate ulcers, they aren't the cause of those ulcers.


Hot peppers are a natural antihistamine. If you have a stuffy nose or clogged sinuses, a jalapeno pepper can help you breathe--although it may burn. The antihistamine found in hot peppers can be more effective than most over-the-counter medicines.

Cancer Killer?

The main chemical of hot peppers, capsaicin, has been tested to kill cancer cells. In prostate cancer, it has been known to promote the cancer cells to kill themselves.

Metabolic Benefits

Hot peppers also increase your metabolic rate. This provides more energy and helps burn fat at a higher rate. Capsaicin has been added to many diet supplements to replace the recently defamed ephedra.

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is prominent in the diet of many Latin American countries. Studies have shown that it has positive effects on those who ingest it regularly. It fights inflammation, stomach ulcers, pain, congestion and heart problems, and it burns calories. It takes energy to eat something spicy, and energy used burns calories. Even the sweetest of peppers contain substances that significantly increase thermogenesis (heat production) and oxygen consumption.

Tags: burns calories, cancer cells