Friday, March 27, 2009

Alleviate Water Retention During Your Period

So it's that time of the month and--big surprise--you're feeling like a beached whale. You are so bloated that you may as well be pregnant. Is your scale broken? Why on earth does it indicate you've gained five pounds? Yikes! Unfortunately, water retention and bloating are of the side-effects of being a menstruating woman. But there are steps you can take, before and during your period, to reduce water retention and make you feel like your old self, or at least close to it. The bottom line? The best way to flush out excess water is to replace it.


Drink up!

1. Drink water. Lots of water. It doesn't have to be plain water -- you can drink decaffeinated hot and iced tea (green tea boosts metabolism and is very healthy) or fruit or vegetable juices. Try to stay away from carbonated drinks--the air will make you gassy.

2. Eat food that is made up primarily of water, such as lettuce, celery, cucumbers, watermelon, summer melons and berries including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries. The more water in your body, the faster the bloating will be gone.

3. Avoid caffeine. No matter how tired you are, consuming caffeine will make you not only more bloated, but extra irritable during your period. Caffeine acts as a diuretic except, for some reason, during your period. Avoid coffee, espresso, black tea, and chocolate and you will feel much better.

4. Avoid food that is high in sodium. Salt will make you retain water. You can check the sodium content on food items and see that the big 'no-nos' include, but are not limited to, soy sauce (even the "light sodium" ones have too much for your own good), teriyaki sauce, hot sauce, chicken wing sauce, microwave popcorn, pickles, olives and preserved or fermented vegetables or tofu.

5. Stay away from foods that are prone to causing gas. There is nothing worse than adding to your bloat--with MORE of it! This includes, but is not limited to, all kinds of cabbage, Brussels sprouts, summer or winter squash (zucchini), apples, pears, plums, peaches or too much melon.

6. Exercise! Get your body moving and you will feel more energized and refreshed.

7. Ask your ob-gyn to prescribe diuretics if you have extreme water retention during your menstruation period. Take them as instructed and do not make it a habit.

Tags: during your, during your period, water retention, will make, away from, food that