Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Make Your Own Moon Cycle Planner

A complete moon cycle spans 28 days.

A full moon cycle is completed in 28 days. Correlated to this is a woman's menstrual cycle, lasting an average of 28 days, as well. When pagan spirituality shifted to Christian religious beliefs, society no longer regulated the days, weeks and months in a year by the lunar calendar. In turn, many women lost the connection that they have with their own bodies and with the moon. Charting your own "moon cycle" by returning to the lunar fertility calendar is one way to revive that connection.


1. Understand the lunar fertility cycle. Each month, the moon progresses from a new moon to a waxing moon, then to a full moon, and lastly to a waning moon, returning once again to a waxing moon to repeat the cycle. According to a theory by Czech psychiatrist Dr. Eugene Jonas, the lunar fertility cycle shows that a woman can, in fact, be fertile at the time of her period if the moon is in the same phase as it was when she was born.

2. Using a lunar calendar, mark the first day of your menstrual period.

3. The next month, again mark the day that you first begin to bleed.

4. Count the amount of days between when you started menstruating the first month and when you started menstruating the second month. This gives you a general idea of how long your menstrual cycle lasts.

5. Count back 14 days from the start of your period and note the date. This is the day of ovulation, the release of typically one egg at a time from the ovary. You are most fertile during this time.

6. Determine the lunar phase under which you were born: Look at an old calendar or use the website http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/vphase.html to find out. Some mystics agree with Dr. Jonas and continue to believe that it is possible to ovulate during this day of the month, as well.

7. Continue to track the beginning of your periods for at least four months. At this point, you will likely know how regular or irregular your cycles are, and in turn more easily determine your most fertile time or times of the month.

Tags: lunar fertility, during this, fertile time, fertility cycle, full moon, lunar calendar