Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Health Benefits Of Beeswax Candles

Beeswax candles are often used in place of candles made from paraffin wax because they cause less indoor air pollution than burning paraffin. Paraffin does produce a small quantity of soot when it is burned, and more soot is produced if the candle is scented. With beeswax candles, the lack of soot and lesser need for candle scent means better indoor air and less chance of respiratory damage from soot.


Beeswax has a naturally sweet scent much like the smell of honey. Many beeswax candles are not made with artificial fragrance for this reason.


Many people believe that beeswax releases negative ions when it is burned, cleansing the air like an ionic cleanser.


Fans of beeswax candles claim that the burning of beeswax makes them feel peaceful and relaxed. Some even claim that beeswax candles put them in a spiritual frame of mind or that they attract spiritual, calming energy.


People with respiratory illnesses such as asthma are often encouraged to burn unscented beeswax candles instead of scented paraffin candles to reduce the likelihood of triggering a respiratory attack.


Even if there is no provable "positive energy" effect from burning a beeswax candle, the calming effect of a soft scent and flickering candle light is a well-known stress reducer.

Tags: beeswax candles, burning beeswax, candles made, claim that, that beeswax