If you are hearing-impaired and rely on hearing aids to assist in enhancing your hearing, you need to be sure your hearing aid batteries are working properly. Fortunately, there are couple of ways to ensure your hearing aid batteries are working as they should.
1. Put your hearing aid batteries in your hearing aids
2. Put on your hearing aids and listen to something, whether it is the television or someone in the room talking. If you can hear properly, your batteries work.
3. Purchase a zinc-air battery tester, which is available online and at many hearing clinics and drugstores.
4. Place the hearing aid battery with the proper side facing down on the tester plate. You can tell the proper side because the plate and the battery should be marked with positive and negative indicators.
5. Read the tester output. Different testers signify good batteries differently, so read the directions of your tester to interpret the output. For example, in some testers a light turns on to indicate the battery is good.
Tags: your hearing, hearing aids, hearing batteries, your hearing batteries, batteries working, hearing batteries working, proper side