Thursday, December 5, 2013

Deal With A Hysterical Stranger

An extremely agitated, or hysterical person is often difficult to deal with. They are in such an emotional state that it may seem frightening to approach them. Here are some ways to successfully deal with a hysterical stranger, if one ever comes your way.


1. Speak in a calm voice. Although the stranger may be speaking loudly, even shouting, you must not raise your voice. Speak calmly, and the person will soon calm as well.

2. Breathe deeply. Make periodic attempts to get the hysterical stranger to do the same. Slow deep breathes are very calming. Also use this technique to keep your patience as you try to deal with the hysterical stranger.

3. Listen closely to what the person is saying. You can project an air of trust by just lending an ear. If you hear any hints of suicide, you must call a professional.

4. Use conversational cues as the person speaks. Ask questions, make comments, but avoid making false promises. Engage in a conversation, and allow the person to release his or her troubles.

5. Give the person options for the present and future. Often hysterical people are stuck on a moment or event. Ask about family, future plans and hopes. Get her to see past the troubling present.

6. Call for help if any of these steps fail to comfort the stranger. In some cases, you may want to call for a police officer or ambulance before you attempt to deal with the stranger.

Tags: deal with, hysterical stranger, with hysterical, with hysterical stranger